Fig 1.
Effects of PARP-1 and PARP-2 on retroviral infection. (a) Expression of PARP proteins in DT40 WT, KO, and h-1 or h-2 cells. Alpha tubulin was detected as a loading control. (b, c, and d) Susceptibility of DT40 WT, KO, h-1, and h-2 cells to TRIPluc and MLVluc infection. Cells were challenged with TRIPluc or MLVluc, and infectivity (luciferase expression [b and d]) and cell viability (ATP levels [c]) were measured 4 days after infection. (b) Fold infectivity is expressed relative to the luciferase levels detected in WT cells, and the standard deviations (SD) (error bars) correspond to triplicate measurements from two independent experiments. (d) Fold infectivity was calculated by normalizing luciferase activity to ATP levels in the same samples and expressed relative to the values of WT cells. The standard deviations represent the variability observed in multiple experiments (n is indicated) conducted over 1 year using different viral preparations. (c) Viability of cells in panel b 4 days after HIV-1 or MLV infection. The standard deviations correspond to triplicate measurements of two independent experiments, and the percent cell viability was calculated relative to the corresponding noninfected cell lines. (e) FACS analysis of EGFP expression in DT40 WT, KO, and h-1 cells infected at a multiplicity of infection of 10 with a recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus expressing EGFP. The percentages of EGFP-positive cells are shown in parentheses.