Fig 1.
Phylogenetic history (MCC tree) of carnivore parvoviruses inferred from 234 complete VP2 sequences. Clusters of viruses are labeled and colored according to host species (note that the division between CPV-2a, -2b, and -2c sequences is not shown in this figure). Hosts in the “Other” group, which represent singleton viruses, are lion, palm civet, monkey, and tiger. Because the tree was inferred using a relaxed molecular clock, all tip heights are scaled to the year of sampling. Posterior probability values of >0.9 at major nodes or which connect multiple species are indicated by an asterisk. A time scale in years is given by the x axis. The number of sequences from each species or antigenic group is as follows: FPV (cat, Felis catus), n = 52; CPV-2 (dog, Canis lupus familiaris), n = 7; CPV-2a (dog), n = 48; CPV-2b (dog), n = 28; CPV-2c (dog), n = 9; raccoon (Procyon lotor), n = 40; puma (Puma concolor), n = 16; coyote (Canis latrans), n = 9; mink (Neovison vison; mink enteritis virus [MEV]), n = 7; bobcat (Lynx rufus), n = 4; gray wolf (Canis lupus), n = 4; arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus; arbitrarily designated blue fox parvovirus [BFPV]), n = 3; striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis), n = 3; palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus), n = 1; tiger (Panthera tigris), n = 1; lion (Panthera leo), n = 1; and monkey (Macaca fascicularis or Macaca mulatta), n = 1.