Fig 7.
Spleen cell preparations obtained from 5-w.p.i. LP-BM5 w.t. B6 mice are positive for CD11b+ Gr-1+-expressing cells, and enriched spleen cell subsets that vary in their suppressive abilities have differential expression levels of MDSC-associated cell surface markers. (A) Flow cytometric analyses of uninfected mice compared to the unfractionated starting spleen cell population obtained from 5-w.p.i. LP-BM5 B6 mice. (B) Cell surface marker expression for the Ly6G+-enriched cell (nonsuppressive) fraction removed from the starting population of spleen cells shown in panel A. (C) Cell surface marker expression for the doubly enriched Ly6G+-depleted CD11b+-enriched spleen cell subpopulation (see Materials and Methods). (D) Additional cell surface marker expression for the Ly6C+ CD11b+ gate of doubly enriched cells (boxed upper right quadrant of the lower right section in panel C).