Table 2. Proteins mapped to primary canonical pathways enriched in the HEV ORF3 and human protein interaction network.
Canonical pathways* | Description | Proteins |
BIOCART | Prothrombin activation pathway | FGA,FGB,SERPINC1,SERPING1 |
Fibrinolysis pathway | FGA,FGB | |
KEGG | Complement and coagulation cascades | FGA,FGB,SERPINC1,SERPING1 |
Oxidative phosphorylation | COX2, NDUFS2 | |
REACTOME | Genes involved in formation of fibrin clot (clotting cascade) | FGA,FGB,SERPINC1,SERPING1 |
Genes involved in platelet activation, degranulation and formation of platelet plug | FGA,FGB,SERPING1, TF, CD63 | |
Genes involved in Grb2:SOS provides linkage to MAPK signaling for intergrins | CYP2E1,NR0B2 | |
MAPK signaling for intergrins | FGA,FGB | |
Integrin cell surface interactions | FGA,FGB,VTN | |
Biological oxidations | CYP2E1, NAT1, MAT1A |
Canonical pathways include the Biocart pathway database, KEGG pathway database, Reactome pathway database.