Figure 3. 50% Majority rule consensus phylogram showing the phylogenetic relationships in the Bolbitiaceae.
Branch support values are MrBayes posterior probabilities, ML bootstrap values, BEAST posterior probabilities, in order. Nodes for which ancestral fruiting body type has been reconstructed are labeled nodes 1–5, corresponding to the Bolbitiaceae, Bolbitius+Pholiotina 1, Bolbitius, Conocybe 6 and section Candidae. Taxa with coprinoid combination of characters (pseudoparaphyses, ephemeral fruiting bodies which collapse upon maturity, plicate cap surface) are highlighted in blue. Relationships tested by constraint analyses are marked by dashed lines. The composition of stipe covering either as hairs only (open squares), lecythiform cystidia only (filled squares) and both types (fountain fill) is shown to the right of the tree. Note that ML bootstrap values and Bayesian posterior probabilities from the BEAST runs were obtained without the indel data.