(a) Summed distribution of the amplitude of methyl-bearing side chain motion of calmodulin in complex with six different target domains. The solid lines represent fitted 3-Gaussian distributions centred on
values of 0.35 (J-class, red), 0.58 (α-class, green) and axis 0.78 (ω-class, blue). (b) Correlation of motional class with the total entropy of binding. The change in population of the J, α and ω classes upon formation of each calmodulin complex with the corresponding binding entropy and have fitted linear correlation coefficients (R2) of −0.83, +0.74 and +0.70, respectively. Error bars reflect the variation of the population of each motional class that results from an increase or decrease in the measured
values by two standard deviations. See [20] for more details.