(A) At 0.5 mM internal EGTA, Ca2+-activated chloride tail currents [ICl(Ca)] are present under both high- (blue) and low (red)-chloride internal solutions in the PTX-treated slice (arrow on inset). As in the dissociated terminals, endocytosis has both a fast and slow component with 15 mM internal Cl− (red Cm trace). However, at 125 mM internal Cl− endocytosis has no fast component (blue Cm trace) and is well fit with slower, single exponentials.
(B) At 5 mM internal EGTA, endocytosis remains fast in PTX-treated slices under low internal Cl− (red Cm trace), and ICl(Ca) is nearly completely abolished (arrow on inset). Note that high EGTA does not slow endocytosis per se. At 125 mM internal Cl− and 5 mM EGTA, endocytosis in PTX-treated slices again has no fast component (blue Cm trace) and can be fit with a slow, single exponential.