(A) The upper (lower) panel shows movements for the case of a strong (weak) interactions between KIF1A and MT denoted as [cargo/strong], εgo
KIF1A-MT = 0.225 ([cargo/weak] εgo
KIF1A-MT = 0.153). The blue and orange lines are z-coordinates of the KIF1A-head (the center of mass) and C-terminal, respectively. Each trajectory contains 4 phases, T, D, Φ, and the next T states split by dashed lines. (B) Some snapshots in the first case (8-nm forward step) in [cargo/strong] case. The second frame draws 4 snapshots at 4.4×106 τ, 1.4×107τ, and 1.7×107τ, and 2×107 τ. The simulation treated the default-cargo as ∼1 µm-sized sphere, but the snapshots used much smaller ball to “visualize” the cargo position.