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. 2013 Feb 14;7(2):e2071. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002071

Table 2. Characteristics of the women who participated in the study according to infection status.

No Malaria P. vivax P. falciparum
Age, years (mean (SD) [n]) 23 (6) [41] 24 (6) [59] 23 (6) [19]
Gestational age, weeks (median (IQ) [n]) 39 (38–40) [40] 39 (38–40) [59] 39 (38–40) [19]
Gravidity, (median (IQ) [n]) 2 (1–4) [40] 2 (1–4) [58] 3 (1–6) [19]
Primigravidae, % 44 31 26
Clinical outcomes
Maternal Hb, g/dL (mean, SD) [n]) 11.37 (1.40) [33] 11.28 (1.77) [45] 10.35 (1.46) [15]
Maternal hematocrit, % (mean (SD) [n]) 34.17 (4.20) [41] 34.13 (5.10) [59] 31.26 (4.09) [19]
Maternal anemia, % 36 42 53
Birth weight, g (mean (SD) [n]) 3192.20 (504.40) [41] 3107.29 (564.12) [59] 3131.67 (507.39) [18]
Low birth weight, % 10 12 6
Malaria history
Had previous infection in life, % [n] 61 [41]§ 100 [59] 100 [19]
Ep. in current pregnancy, (median (min-max) [n]) N/A 1 (1–5) [59] 1 (1–3) [19]
2+ infections during pregnancy (n/total) N/A 20/59 6/19
Peripheral parasitemia at term, (n/total) N/A 3/59 4/19
Month of infection, (mean (SD), [n]) N/A 5 (3) [58] 6 (3) [17]
Trimester of infection, (% 1st/2nd/3rd) N/A 34/33/33 36/10/54

Women were grouped according to their malaria diagnoses during pregnancy, based on microscopy data. (SD) standard deviation. (IQ) 25th and 75th percentile. (n) number of women with data recorded. (%) percentage of total women in each group. (Hb) hemoglobin. (Ep.) number of episodes. (N/A) not applicable. Anemia: Hb<11 g/dL. Low birth weight: birth weight<2,500 g. 2+ infections during pregnancy: women with two or more infections detected over the duration of the pregnancy. Month of infection: Gestation month of first diagnosed infection. Trimester of infection: percentage of infections that were detected per trimester of gestation.

Student's t-test: P. falciparum vs. no malaria, P = 0.015.

Student's t-test: P. falciparum vs. P. vivax, P = 0.029.


χ2 test: no malaria vs. P. vivax or P. falciparum, P<<0.001.