E. chaffeensis genomic DNA from three independent transformations with mCherry (one transformation) and GFPuv (two transformations) Himar1 transposon plasmids was used to determine the integration locations by inverse PCRs and ST-PCRs followed by DNA sequence analysis. Genomic locations of the insertion sites and the genes at or near the insertions, as per the whole genome data (GenBank # CP000236.1), were presented. The gene expression data assessed by RT-PCR were also included in the figure (E, expressed gene; m, in macrophage culture; t, in tick cell culture; No, gene not expressed). The insertions in mCherry transformants are shown as solid red bars, and insertions in GFPuv transformants are depicted as solid green bars (dark green bar, the first GFPuv transformants; light green bar, the second GFPuv transformant).