Figure 1. Map of Eurasia showing the approximate location of ancient (uncalibrated dates) and present-day Eurasian samples.
Red dots represent the archaeological sites sampled for ancient mitochondrial DNA in this study: aUZ, Yuzhnyy Oleni Ostrov; aPo, Popovo; aBOO, Bol'shoy Oleni Ostrov. Black circles represent ancient populations abbreviated as follows: aEG, Confederated nomads of the Xiongnu (2,200–2,300 yBP); aKAZ, Nomads from Kazakhstan (2,100–3,400 yBP); aKOS, Kostenski individual (30,000 yBP); aKUR, Siberian Kurgans (1,600–3,800 yBP); aLOK, Lokomotiv Kitoi Neolithic individuals (6,130–7,140 yBP); aPWC, Scandinavian Pitted-Ware Culture foragers (4,500–5,300 yBP); aUST, Ust'Ida Neolithic population (4,000–5,800 yBP). Smaller black dots signify the location of Palaeolithic/Mesolithic sites sampled for ancient mitochondrial DNA in aHG (4,250–15,400 yBP). Present-day populations are abbreviated as follows: alt, Altaians; BA, Bashkirs; BU, Buryats; CU, Chuvash; EST, Estonians; FIN, Finns; ket, Kets; kham, Khamnigans; khan, Khants; KK, Khakhassians; KO, Komis; KR, Karelians; LTU, Lithuanians; LVA, Latvians; man, Mansi; ME, Mari; MO, Mordvinians; MNG, Mongolians; NEN, Nenets; nga, Nganasans; NOR, Norwegians; tof, Tofalars; tuv, Tuvinians; UD, Udmurts; SA, Yakuts; saa, Saami; sel, Selkups; SWE, Swedes. The approximate location of the Volga-Ural Basin and of the different regions of Russian Siberia are also indicated.