Figure 1. Intrahepatic NK cells in humans.
The cell composition of lymphocytes in the human liver is shown. Human liver NK cells include the CD56bright and CD56dim subsets. The two subsets exhibit significant differences in their proliferative responses to IL-2, intrinsic cytotoxic capacity, cytokine production, NKR repertoire, and adhesion molecule expression. (1) CD56bright NK cells expand in response to low doses of IL-2, whereas CD56dim NK cells respond poorly to IL-2 stimulation. (2) CD56bright NK cells have a high level of expression of the CD94/ NKG2 C-type lectin receptors and less than 10% of them express KIR. In contrast, more than 85% of the CD56dim NK cells are KIR+ and have a low level of expression of CD94/NKG2. (3) CD56dim NK cells are more cytotoxic against NK-sensitive targets but produce lower amounts of cytokines than CD56bright NK cells. (4) CD56bright NK cells express high levels of CCR7 and CXCR3. (5) Finally, CD56bright NK cells can be induced from NK cell precursors by IL-15 and may then differentiate into CD56dim NK cells.