Figure 4. E7-specific IFN-γ secreting cells in the GM after vaccination and ivag immunostimulation.
Upper panel: Mice were s.c. immunized with the adjuvanted E7 vaccine at day 1. At day 6 (A) or day 3 (B) PBS, PIC, CpG or Non-CpG were ivag instilled. Mice were sacrificed at day 9. Lower panel: Five groups of mice were s.c. immunized with the adjuvanted E7 vaccine at day 1. At day 6, one group was instilled ivag PBS while two other groups received ivag PIC and the two last groups had ivag CpG. A group of each treatment further received ivag PIC or CpG at days 9 and 12. All mice were sacrificed at day 15. After sacrifice, cells recovered from CV were analyzed by ex-vivo IFN-γ ELISPOT. The numbers of E749-57 specific IFN-γ secreting cells/105 cells are indicated for each mouse/organ. The horizontal bars represent the mean responses. Significant differences are indicated by ** for p< 0.01 and *** for p< 0.001.