Figure 6. Genital tumor regression upon s.c. E7 vaccination followed by ivag CpG.
Six groups of 6-8 mice were ivag challenged with TC-1-luc cells at day 1. At day 12, when mice harbored large genital tumors as detected by bioluminescence measurement (p/sec/cm2/sr) (A), three groups were s.c. immunized with the adjuvanted E7 vaccine and three groups remained unvaccinated. One CpG dose (at day 17) or three CpG doses (at days 17, 20 and 23) were ivag administered in one E7-vaccinated and one unvaccinated group of mice. Tumor growth/regression was followed twice a week by bioluminescence imaging. Percentage of survival in each group upon time is represented (B). Significant differences following an adjusted Log-rank test are indicated by * p< 0.01, ** p< 0.002. Data from independent tumor protection assays were compiled and tumor-free mice at day 100 are shown in (C). Significant differences are indicated by * p< 0.05, ** p< 0.01, *** p< 0.001 following Chi-square tests.