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. 2013 Feb 15;3:1285. doi: 10.1038/srep01285

Figure 2. Sub-bottom CHIRP profile across the gravity cores.

Figure 2

Sub-bottom CHIRP profile across the gravity cores described in this work (see Fig. 1 for location of the gravity cores represented by the red circles). The profile crosses the transition between the undeformed abyssal plain to the SW and the outer accretionary wedge to the NE. Gravity cores CALA 04 and CALA 05 are represented on the CHIRP profile. a: zoom of the CHIRP profile on the CALA 04 coring station. b: zoom of the CHIRP profile on the CALA 05 coring station. c: location of CHIRP seismic profile. HAT: Homogenite/Augias turbidite. DTL: Deep Transparent Layer. TTL: Thick Transparent Layer.