Fig 4.
Bacterial growth in PF and mesenteric lymph nodes. A, Representative MacConkey agar plates demonstrating bacterial growth from the PF and mesenteric lymph nodes of WT mice subjected to sham operation (n = 2), WT mice subjected to CLP (n = 5), WT mice subjected to CLP but treated with HB-EGF (n = 6), HB-EGF KO mice subjected to sham operation (n = 2), HB-EGF KO mice subjected to CLP (n = 4), and HB-EGF KO mice subjected to CLP but treated with HB-EGF (n = 6). B, Quantification of bacterial colony forming units (CFU) in PF. C, Quantification of bacterial CFU in mesenteric lymph nodes. KO, HB-EGF KO mice; WT, wild type. (Color version of figure is available online.)