(A) Western blot detection of ADAM17 in the cell lysate of LPECs or LPECs with decreased ADAM17 by siRNA knockdown (left panel). The soluble form of Jagged-1 in the CM from the cells shown in the left panel, are shown in the right panel.
(B) Secretion of the soluble form of Jagged-1 into the CM of HT29 cells and LPECs treated with the ADAM17 inhibitor TAPI-2.
(C/D) Sphere forming assays on HT29 cells (Panel C) and freshly isolated xhCRC cells (Panel D) after treatment with CM from LPECs, with or without the ADAM17 inhibitor TAPI-2 (*p<0.05, mean ± SEM).
(E) In vivo tumorigenicity assay (day 10) using freshly isolated xhCRC cells co-injected with LPECs with/without daily TAPI-2 treatment (*p<0.05, LPEC/no TAPI-2 vs all other groups).
See also S6.