Figure 2.
Polarized protein accumulation and mutant phenotypes. Panel A shows cartoons of wild type and mutant cells. In the wild type cell all of the fz/stan pathway proteins accumulate asymmetrically and hairs are formed at the distal vertex. In cells mutant for fz or other core genes hairs form at a relatively central location and no proteins accumulate asymmetrically. In cells mutant for in or any of the other PPE genes multiple hairs form at an abnormal location on the cell periphery. The core proteins accumulate asymmetrically but the PPE proteins and Mwh do not. In cells mutant for mwh genes multiple hairs form at an abnormal location on the cell periphery. The core and PPE proteins accumulate asymmetrically but Mwh does not. Panel B shows the accumulation of Fz-GFP by direct imaging opf GFP (green) (no immunostaining) and actin in red (hairs). Panel C shows the coordinate asymmetric accumulation of Fz (green) and In (red).