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. 2013 Jan 25;190(5):2208–2216. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1200322



Fer kinase does not contribute to KC-induced recruitment in vivo. Leukocyte recruitment was induced by placing KC (5.2 μM) in an agarose gel in the extravascular tissue space 350 μm from the vessel. Data are shown during control conditions (vehicle) and at 60-min postgel placement in WT and FerDR/DR mice. (A) Illustrates leukocyte adhesion to the endothelium within the postcapillary venule (cells/100 μm/5 min). (B) Illustrates the total number of emigrated leukocytes (cells/field of view). Data are expressed as mean ± SEM, n = 4 (WT) and n = 5 (FerDR/DR), *p < 0.05 significant difference from vehicle group for each strain.