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. 2013 Feb 4;2013:189149. doi: 10.1155/2013/189149

Table 1.

Comparison of the effects of the resistance exercise on running economy.

Study Subjects EIMD Muscle damage VO2max (%) RE (%)
Paschalis et al. [10] 10 healthy males 120 eccentric actions ↑ CK,
↑ DOMS, and
↓ ROM, and
↓ strength
55 and 75
Burt et al. [12] 9 healthy men 100 squats at 80% body mass √ CK,
↑ DOMS, and
↓ strength
90 ↓ 4-5
Vassilis et al. [87] 24 young healthy men 120 eccentric actions ↑ CK,
↓ strength
Scott et al. [88] 8 active men and
8 active women
3-4 × 10 repetitions of squat, lunges, step up and step down, and stiff-legged deadlift ↑ DOMS 70

EIMD: exercise-induced muscle damage; %VO2max: exercise intensity at which running economy was measured; RE: running economy; CK: creatine kinase; DOMS: delayed onset muscle soreness; ROM: range of motion; ↓ indicates decrease; √ indicates no change; ↑ indicates increase.