The 3D 16×4 100% symmetrical genetic code tetrahedron, where the logic within the 2D binary I Ching according to Fu-Xi from the pair of genetic code chromosomes I', the 'horizontalized' defragged vertical pairing for its second binary genetic code combination [Keto/Amino, axis x (G = U = 0, A = C = 1); Pur/Pyr, axis y (A = G = 0, C = U = 1)], was transferred into a 3D tetrahedron. The pairing shown in Figure 17 of codons has been lost in this representation while the functional, positional resonance has been kept between b and c, while d and a have individual symmetry within themselves. The allocating logic consists on transferring from Figure 17: row 4 and 5 to d, rows 2 and 7 to a, rows 3 and 8 to b, and rows 1 and 6 to c.