Pair of Nirenberg's genetic code chromosomes compared to the I Ching ones. The complete genetic code is represented at each side, either through the quasi-identical codon chromosomes (having these the suffix c, for codon), showing partial wobbling or exchange of pyr by pyr (C for T and vice versa), and of pur by pur (G for A and vice versa), or through their respective amino acids (suffix a, for amino acid), either resulting from the rearranged codon table of Nirenberg (N1 and N2), or derived from the I Ching as stated in the text (I1 and I2). The arrows indicate the two points of discrepancy per chromosome due to the odd codons (M and W, always matching ATA and TGA, respectively). Note: Only the sense strand is shown, assuming that for the genetic code chromosomes I the antisense strand hides below them, having such strand an identical conformation to the one shown here via their companion chromatids.