Figure 8.
Expression levels of inhibitors of editing vary during development and on neuronal stimulation. (a) Expression data for experiment E-GEOD-35366 was downloaded for six biological replicates of mouse brain RNAs at stage E14, p0 and p14. Expression profiles for RPS14, DDX15 and SRSF9 were calculated by normalization to actin. A decrease in expression throughout development was observed for all three candidates. P values calculated by Student’s T-test are indicated. (b) Expression of RPS14, DDX15 and SRSF9 was determined by qPCR of cDNAs prepared from rat brain slices cultured with BIC or TTX. TTX treatment leads to an ∼2-fold up-regulation of DDX15 and SRSF9, while BIC treatment leads to an almost 80-fold drop in SRSF9 RNA levels and to a 25% drop in DDX15 RNA. RPS14 levels were unaffected by the treatment. P values calculated by Student’s T-test are indicated (calculated for difference to untreated samples).