Figure 5. Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis of NMR spectra acquired on blood serum samples.
Scores (A and B) and weights (on LV1; C and D) plots obtained from OSC-PLS-DA performed on the NMR spectra of 37 and 42 blood serum samples for the comparison of groups B versus C1 (A and C) and B versus C2 (B and D). Group B (solid green, 27 samples): patients after chemotherapy; group C1 (solid blue, 10 samples): sustained remission; group C2 (empty blue, 15 samples): in relapse after chemotherapy. Cho: choline; Suc: succinate; Pyr: pyruvate; Ace: acetate; 2HiB: 2-hydroxyisobutyrate; Car: carnitine; AcCar: acetylcarnitine.