Table 5.
Exemplary case | Axis 1: leadership model | Axis 2: funding model | Axis 3: research to production translation | Axis 4: training program(s) | Axis 5: biomedical informatics home” |
Case 1:Mid-sized Public University |
Coordinated1 |
Academic and Health System Support |
Comprehensive3 |
Professional5 and Research6 Oriented |
Academic Department |
Case 2:Large Public University |
Integrated2 |
Academic and Health System Support |
Minimal4 |
Research6 Oriented |
Center |
Case 3:Large Private University | Integrated2 | Academic and Health System Support | Comprehensive3 | Professional5 and Research6 Oriented | Academic Department |
1 Biomedical Informatics leaders advise IT leaders concerning AHC IT strategy and services.
2 Biomedical Informatics and IT leaders jointly oversee AHC IT strategy and services.
3 Widespread deployments of production technologies (i.e., EHR platforms) derived from BMI-driven research and development programs.
4 Limited and/or small-scale deployments of production technologies (i.e., research-specific data management systems) derived from BMI-driven research and development programs.
5 Terminal masters and certificate programs, usually focusing on the application of informatics theories and methods.
6 Terminal masters and doctoral programs, as well as post-doctoral fellowships, usually focusing on the discovery and validation of novel informatics theories and methods.
These cases have been rendered anonymous in order to reduce potential sources of bias. For the purposes of this table: 1) “IT Leadership Model” refers to the type of relationship between CS/IS/IT leaders and BMI leaders at the organization relative to operational decision making; 2) “Funding Model” refers to the sources of funding used to support research-specific CS/IT/IT and BMI resources; 3) “Research to Production Translation” refers to the degree to which software products generated during the course of CS/IS and/or BMI research are translated into production platforms/tools; 4) “Training Program(s)” refers to the types of BMI training available at the institution; and 5) “Biomedical Informatics Home” indicates what type of organizational unit houses BMI at the given institution.