Hu-mice categorization based on B cell maturation and LN engraftment. (A) Maturation of B cells in the BM, spleen, and LN of representative hu-mice and in a human CB sample as determined by expression of CD10 (top row), or CD24 and CD38 (bottom row) on B cells gated as CD19+ (BM) or CD20+ (spleen, LN, and CB). Numbers represent the frequency of CD10− (top) and CD24lowCD38low (bottom) mature B cells in the gate. Hu-mice were classified in 5 categories (I–V) according to the presence of LNs and the frequency of mature B cells in the spleen: I) LN−, <25% CD10−; II) LN+, <25% CD10−; III) LN−, >25% CD10−; IV) LN+, 25–60% CD10−; and V) LN+, >60% CD10−. (B) Percentage of mature CD10− B cells in BM, spleen and LN of individual hu-mice (n = 142) grouped according to the categories described in (A). (C) The frequencies of hu-mice classified in the five categories (I–V) described in (A) at 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 and >24 wks of age (n = 10–51 per age). (D) Frequencies of human hematopoietic cells (hCD45+, closed diamond), T cells (CD3+CD5+, closed circle) and B cells (CD20+, open square) in PBL of hu-mice assigned to the five categories described in (A) and at indicated ages. The frequency of hCD45+ cells was measured in the total (mouse + human) CD45+ cell population. The frequencies of B and T cells were measured within the hCD45+ cell gate. Data represent the mean ± SEM (n = 5–38 mice per time point and category, besides category II at 23w (n =2) and category III at 19w (n =1)).