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. 2012 Sep 27;7(3):457–460. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2012.102

Table 3. Number of minutes required to align sequences and calculate distances between sequences using various algorithms.

Alignment algorithm V13 V35
NAST-greengenes 17.4 10.3
NAST-SILVA 19.2 15.7
Infernal-RDP 27.6 24.4
Needleman–Wunsch 1321.1 1081.5
Gotoh 1516.1 1221.2

Abbreviations: Infernal, inference of RNA alignment; NAST, Nearest Alignment Space Termination; RDP, Ribosomal.Database Project. All times are based on using a single processor although all algorithms can be parallelized. The alignment algorithms are sorted according to the number of minutes required.