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. 2012 Nov 22;7(3):635–651. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2012.133

Figure 4.

Figure 4

(a) Ternary FISH analysis of the subsurface biofilm with SRB-, Bacteria and Archaea-specific probes. Analysis reveals a dominance of archaeal cocci (SM1 Euryarchaeon) and of SRB-385-stained bacteria in the bacterial minority: ∼85% of the detected Bacteria revealed a signal with the sulfate-reducer specific probe. Scale bars=10 μm. a1: biofilm, FISH-stained with probe SRB385 CY3 (targeting SRB, yellow). a2: same detail, stained with probe EUB 338/I Texas Red (targeting Bacteria, red). a3: same detail, stained with probe mixture ArchMix RG (targeting Archaea, green). a4: same detail, reference-stained with DAPI (blue). (b) biofilm sample FISH-stained with SRB-directed Delta495 probe mix. The overwhelming majority of bacteria in the biofilm showed signals with the Delta495 probe mix (89.2%). Scale bars=10 μm. b1: probe 338/I RG (targeting Bacteria, green). b2: same detail, stained with probe mix Delta495 (targeting SRB, yellow). b3: overlay of details 1 and 2. b4: same detail, reference-stained with DAPI (blue).