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. 2012 Dec 27;125(3):395–412. doi: 10.1007/s00401-012-1076-3

Table 2.

Primary antibodies to extracellular matrix molecules and inflammatory cells

Molecule Antibody name/clone Marker IF/IHa Reference/source
 Pan-Laminin 455 All BMs IF, IH [80]b
 Laminin α2 401 Parenchymal BM IF [77]b
 Laminin α4 377 Endothelial BM IF [73]b
 Laminin α5 405 Endothelial BM IF [80]b
 Collagen IV All BMs IF [86]c
 P-Selectin Rabbit anti-P-selectin Activated endothelium IH [22], BD Pharmingen
 ICAM-1 25ZC7 Endothelial adhesion molecule IF, IH [72], BD Pharmingen
 ICAM-2 3C4 Endothelial adhesion molecule IH BD Pharmingen
 VCAM-1 9DB3 Endothelial adhesion molecule IF, IH [29], BD Pharmingen
 PECAM-1 Mec13.3 Endothelial junctions IH BD Pharmingen
 Ly6G 1A8 PMNs IF, IH [17], BD Pharmingen
 Ly6C AL-21 Monocytes IF [17], BD Pharmingen
 Gr-1 RB6-8C5 PMNs, monocytes IF, IH [35], BD Pharmingen
 F4/80 A3-1 Macrophages IF, IH BD Pharmingen



All leukocytes



BD Pharmingen
 CD11b/Mac-1 M1/70 Microglia, monocytes, macrophages IF, IH BD Pharmingen
 CD41 MWreg30 Platelets IF, IH BD Pharmingen
 IgG 236 BA-9200 Murine IgG IF, IH BD Pharmingen
Antigen Antibody name/clone Marker IF/IHa Reference/source
 CD3 Polyclonal T lymphocytes IH Dako
 CD15 C3D-1 PMNs, monocytes IH, IF Dako
 CD45 2B11 All leukocytes IH, IF Dako
 CD68 PG-M1 Activated macrophages, monocytes, microglia IH, IF Dako
 LCA PD7/26 All leukocytes IH Dako
 Hif1alpha NB 100-134 Hypoxia IH Novus biologicals
 c.Caspase-3 Asp 175 Apoptotic cells IH Cell signaling

aEmployed in IF immunofluorescence or IH immunohistochemistry

bProvided by L. Sorokin

cKindly provided by K. von der Mark (Erlangen)