Figure 2. SEM images of male cones of M. glyptostroboides at different developmental stages. (A) In early September, the male cone was subtended by decussate bud-scales. (B) In mid-September, the spirally arranged microsporophylls underwent differentiation. (C) By late September, microsporangium primordia were visible (arrow). (D) In early October, the microsporophyll was composed of the phylloclade and microsporangia. (E) The microsporophylls enlarged and were tightly arranged around the main axis. (F–G) In November, the microsporangia and phylloclade had enlarged significantly; (H) In December, the enlarged microstrobilus grew slowly; (I) In early February, mature microsporophyll contained 2–3 microsporangia and an phylloclade. BS, bud scales; Ph, phylloclade; Sg, sporangia. Bars = 1 mm.