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. 2013 Feb 22;7:38. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00038

Table 1.

Differences in connectivity between attention-reorienting and recollection seeds.

Region Hemisphere BA X Y Z T attention-reorienting T recollection
Ventrolateral PFC Left 44/47 −45 36 −6 12.7 7.8
Right 44/47 51 33 −9 11.1 6.2
Superior frontal Ctx. Left 8 −24 45 21 5.5 2.5
Right 8 30 54 30 5.0 1.1
Middle frontal Ctx. Right 10 12 15 63 5.7 3.0
wOccipito-temporal Ctx. Right 19 30 −72 12 3.6 2.2
Right 20 48 −42 6 10.3 6.7
Hippocampus (HF) Left −33 −21 −21 3.0 5.7
Right 30 −27 −21 5.5 8.5
Post. midline region Left 23/29/30/31 −3 −33 33 12.0 15.1
Medial PFC Right 10 3 57 −6 6.1 9.5
Frontal pole Left 10 −15 72 12 5.2 8.4
Superior frontal Ctx. Left 8 −27 24 51 9.0 11.7
Right 8 30 27 54 7.8 11.8

New Hutchinson in semmematt_updated2.