Figure 3.
oriLyt and its expanded core domain are shown. oriLyt spans about 7700 bp of the B95-8 strain of EBV including two genes BHLF1 and BHRF1 and their promoters. Sequences in these genes contribute to but are not essential for the function of oriLyt. The essential or core domain of oriLyt includes the promoters for and intergenic region of these genes. Two essential components (upstream and downstream) of oriLyt bind viral (BZLF1) at BZLF1-responsive elements (ZRE) and cellular factors (ZBP-89, Sp1, and likely additional unknown proteins) are required for oriLyt’s function. The BZLF1 protein also binds to promoter elements of the BHRF1 gene to enhance oriLyt’s activity. This domain (ZRE sites 5, 6, and 7) can be replaced by a heterologous enhancer to support oriLyt’s function. The boxed element marked R binds the viral BRLF1 transactivator, which does not contribute directly to EBV’s lytic DNA replication.