Figure 1. Deletion of Dicer in aP2-Cre transgenic mice inhibits the formation of WAT.
(A) PCR genotyping reveals deletion of Dicer conditional alleles specifically in the WAT and BAT of aP2-Cre, Dicer-conditional mice. (B) Dorsal view of adipose deposits in Dicer wildtype and mutant mice at 2 weeks of age. Dicer ablated mice retain intrascapular brown adipose tissue but are devoid of WAT. Scale bar represents 250μm. (C) Weight of Dicer-wildtype and Dicer-ablated (mutant) littermates from day 2 to day 14 post birth. (D) Weight of various organs relative to overall bodyweight in Dicer-wildtype and Dicer-ablated (mutant) mice at 8–10 days after birth. Bars represent standard deviation (SD). (E) Kaplan-Meyer survival plot of Dicer-wildtype and Dicer-ablated (mutant) mice.