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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Jan 8.
Published in final edited form as: Biochemistry. 2012 Dec 20;52(1):254–263. doi: 10.1021/bi301572z

Table 1.

Data collection and refinement statistics.

(A) Data collection statistics
Resolution (Å) 17.4– 1.96
Wavelength (Å) 1.54
Space Group P21
Cell (Å, °) a = 32.0, b = 82.5, c = 32.7
α = 90.0°, β = 91.5°, γ = 90.0°
Completeness (%) a 94.1 (85.1)
Redundancy a 2.8 (2.5)
<I/σ(I)> a 19.5 (4.7)
Rmerge (%) a 2.7 (25.5)
(B) Refinement statistics
Resolution range (Å) 17.4-1.96
R (%) 19.08
Rfree (%) 23.32
rms bonds (Å) 0.008
rms angles (°) 1.096
Number of protein atoms 1428 (186 AA residues)
Number of water molecules 120
Average B factors
    Protein 35.7
    Solvent 39.4
Wilson B factor 30.4
Ramachandran analysis (%)
    Most favored 97.65
    Allowed 2.35

Values in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell