Figure 7.
Invest Phase, fMRI Results: Evidence of Selective Person Rank Coding in Amygdala, and Domain-General Coding of Rank in Hippocampus, during Bid Trials
(A) Domain-general coding of rank in hippocampus during bid trials. Left panels: results of whole-brain voxelwise analysis—neural activity in body of hippocampus shows significant correlation with person rank (top panel) and galaxy rank (bottom panel) during bid trials. Coronal sections show activations in hippocampal body. Activations thresholded at p < 0.005 uncorrected for display purposes, but significant at p < 0.001 uncorrected and p < 0.05 SVC corrected (see Tables S6A and S6B for full list of activations). Right panels: parameter estimates averaged across left hippocampal ROI defined based on an orthogonal selection contrast, as a function of person rank (top panel) and galaxy rank (bottom panel) (see Supplemental Results and Supplemental Experimental Procedures). Note these plots were derived from an “illustrative” model which included separate regressors for person and galaxy rank. Statistical inference, however, was based strictly on the parametric model.
(B) Selective coding of person rank in amygdala during bid trials. Left panels: results of whole-brain voxel-wise analysis: activity in bilateral amygdala shows a significant correlation with person rank during bid trials: Top panel: coronal section, taken at level of peak in right amygdala. Bottom panel: close-up of activation in left amygdala at level of peak voxel. Activations are thresholded at p < 0.005 uncorrected for display purposes but are significant in amygdala at p < 0.05 SVC corrected (see Table S6A for full list of activations). Right panels illustrate parameter estimates averaged across left amygdala ROI defined based on an orthogonal selection contrast, as a function of person rank (above), and galaxy rank (below) (see Supplemental Results and Experimental Procedures). Significant linear correlation between neural activity in left amygdala and person, but not galaxy, rank evident.