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. 2012 Aug 13;4(5):42. doi: 10.1186/alzrt145

Table 1.

Demographic and neuropsychological characteristics of patients and healthy controls

NT DC1 DC2 Healthy controlsa
(n = 4)
Age (years) 67 63 74 67 (6.03)
Education (years) 15 12 16 15 (2)
General intellect
WASI VIQ 118 63 115 72 (3.4)
WASI PIQ 132 91 111 57 (2.6)
NART (/50) >75th <25th >90th 41 (4.8)
Episodic memory
RMT Words (/50) 25-50th <5th 5-10th 44 (5.2)
RMT Faces (/50) >95th <5th <5th 46 (6.1)
Executive function
D-KEFS Stroop word >50th >50th >50th 21 (3.5)
D-KEFS Stroop Inhibition >50th >50th >50th 53 (15.5)
Semantic processing
BPVS (/150) 146 103 138 149 (1.5)
Other skills
GNT (/30) >50th <1st <1st 27 (2.9)
Forward DS (/12) >95th 75th-90th 90th-95th 8 (1)
Reverse DS (/12) >50th 50th-75th 90th-95th 6 (1)
Addition >95th >50th 25-50th 7 (1.2)
Subtraction >95th 25th-50th >50th 8 (3.3)
VOSP >95th 25-50th >50th 19 (0.5)
CBI 52 203 46 n/a
Experimental conditionsb
Self (/10) 10 10 10 9.5 (9-10)
Synchronous (/10) 3 7 5 6.5 (5-7)
Asynchronous (/10) 4 9 10 9.5 (9-10)

Percentile ranking scores of neuropsychological performance are shown. Raw scores are listed where percentile scores are not available or applicable. BPVS, British Picture Vocabulary Scale; CBI, Cambridge Behavioural Inventory total score (across domains including mood, beliefs, challenging behaviors, disinhibition, eating, sleep, stereotypies, motivation, and insight (Wedderbum et al., 2008)); D-KEFS Stroop (word and inhibition), Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System; DS, digit span; GNT, Graded Naming Test; n/a, not applicable; NART, National Adult Reading Test; RMT, Recognition Memory Test; Verbal Intelligence score; VOSP, Visual Object and Space Perception battery; WASI PIQ, Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence-Performance Intelligence score; WASI VIQ, Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, aMean (standard deviation) values shown, except for experimental conditions, in which mean (range) values shown. bSee text for explanation.