ABA, H2O2, and CaCl2 induce the expression of ZmCPK11 and the activity of ZmCPK11 in maize leaves. (A) Expression analysis of ZmCPK11 in leaves of maize plants exposed to ABA, H2O2, and CaCl2 treatments. The detached maize plants were treated with ABA (100 µM), H2O2 (10mM), and CaCl2 (10mM) for various times as indicated. The relative expression levels of the ZmCPK11 gene were analysed by real-time quantitative PCR. Values are means ±SE of three independent experiments. Means denoted by the same letter did not differ significantly at P <0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test. (B) Induction of the activity of ZmCPK11 by ABA, H2O2, and CaCl2. The detached plants were treated as described in (A). ZmCPK11 was immunoprecipitated from leaves after treatments, and the activity of ZmCPK11 was measured by immunoprecipitation kinase assay using histone S-III as a substrate. Corresponding Coomassie staining was also shown as indicated. Experiments were repeated at least three times with similar results.