Fig. 4.
Loss of KRP5 leads to a reduced progression through endoreduplication in the root and is correlated with smaller nuclei. (A, B) Representative ploidy histograms for nuclei (n > 5000) isolated from roots of WT and krp5-1. 2C peak, G1 DNA content; 4C peak, G2 DNA content; 8C and 16C peaks, endoreduplicating cells. (C) Flow cytometry analysis of ploidy levels in roots of WT and krp5-1 (n = 4). The proportion of nuclei with 16C DNA is decreased and of 8C DNA is increased (t-test P < 0.01) in the krp5-1 root without changing the proportion of 2C and 4C. (D) Nuclear size (area) of mature root epidermal cells from WT and krp5-1 plants (n > 120). Mean sizes of WT and krp5-1 nuclei are 47.1 μm2 (SEM 1.18) and 37.0 μm2 (SEM 1.13), respectively (t-test P << 0.001).