Table 1.
Estimated free energy shifts of the Na+:Cl− system from VFEP, MBAR, and WHAM.
Window (α) |
x̄ α |
(×103) |
(×103) |
1 | 2.629 | - | - | - | - | - |
2 | 2.655 | −0.241 | −0.240 | −0.240 | −0.840 | −0.900 |
3 | 2.686 | −0.021 | −0.017 | −0.017 | −3.340 | −3.350 |
4 | 2.754 | 0.629 | 0.633 | 0.633 | −4.060 | −4.030 |
5 | 3.113 | 1.476 | 1.477 | 1.479 | −1.140 | −3.010 |
6 | 3.945 | 1.512 | 1.511 | 1.519 | 0.790 | −7.150 |
7 | 4.275 | 0.694 | 0.694 | 0.705 | −0.410 | −11.070 |
8 | 4.460 | −0.084 | −0.083 | −0.071 | −1.100 | −13.410 |
9 | 4.638 | −0.662 | −0.660 | −0.646 | −1.520 | −15.450 |
10 | 4.797 | −1.048 | −1.047 | −1.031 | −1.840 | −17.370 |
11 | 4.964 | −1.264 | −1.262 | −1.245 | −2.050 | −19.250 |
12 | 5.127 | −1.317 | −1.315 | −1.297 | −2.120 | −20.870 |
13 | 5.334 | −1.225 | −1.223 | −1.204 | −2.040 | −21.840 |
14 | 5.588 | −1.056 | −1.054 | −1.033 | −1.860 | −22.610 |
15 | 5.863 | −0.938 | −0.937 | −0.914 | −1.720 | −24.320 |
16 | 6.188 | −0.970 | −0.968 | −0.943 | −1.770 | −26.700 |
17 | 6.500 | −1.114 | −1.112 | −1.083 | −1.930 | −30.880 |
18 | 6.719 | −1.285 | −1.283 | −1.235 | −2.110 | −49.640 |
19 | 6.955 | −1.431 | −1.429 | −1.308 | −2.130 | −122.670 |
20 | 7.194 | −1.532 | −1.530 | −1.206 | −2.050 | −325.970 |
21 | 7.413 | −1.588 | −1.586 | −0.832 | −2.500 | −756.610 |
| ||||||
RMS | 1.990 | 182.73 |
The numbers here are derived from the same set of simulation as in Table 2. x̄α is the average of the sampled coordinates of the αth window. For the VFEP approach, the ’s are calculated from −ln Zα and the values relative to the first window are listed. and values were taken directly from the MBAR and WHAM output, respectively. The last two columns are differences (multiplied by 103) between these three types of Δf’s. The last row (RMS) is the root-mean-square values of the corresponding column. All values are in units of kBT, except for x̄α, which is in units of Å.