Stretch-induced effects on active force. A and C show original recordings of length and active force of 4 dpf control larvae stimulated during 200 ms with 200 Hz at optimal length. The contraction in A was isometric and the contraction in C involved a 10% stretch ramp (rate: 2 Lopt/s) imposed 60 ms after onset of activation. Muscle length was returned to optimal 60 ms after cessation of the stimulation. The force at 60 ms after activation (F60), before the onset of the stretch ramp, and the maximal force (Fm) were evaluated. Force scale bar, 0.2 mN. The right panels show the contractile responses in muscles kept isometric (B, compare with A), or stretched (D, compare with C). F60 (squares) and Fm (circles) values were normalized to the initial responses during the first contraction. The experiments were performed on control (open symbols, n = 11) and splicing morphants (closed symbols, n = 6). The force responses (Fm and F60) of the splicing morphants were significantly (P < 0.001, one-way ANOVA and Holm-Sidak method) higher than the corresponding values in the control group during at the final 10th contraction of the stretch experiments (D). Error bars indicate mean ± SEM.