Figure 8. EED delivered to the ARC of immature female rats delays puberty, disrupts estrous cycle and impairs fertility.
(a) Estrous cycles of LV-GFP (circles) and LV-EED (triangles) injected animals. (b) Disruption of estrous cyclicity by LV-EED. Results are shown as percent time spent at each particular phase during a 21-day period. P = proestrous (t=11.96, p<0.001), E = estrous (t=−1.52, p=0.159), ED = transitional stage estrous-diestrous (t=−6.077, p<0.001), D = diestrous (t=7.203, p<0.001) (Student t Test, n= 5 rats/group). (c) Example of ovaries from LV-GFP and LV-EED injected rats collected on PND44. CL indicates corpora luea and arrows point to examples of antral follicles. Scale bars = 100μm. (d) Fertility rate measured as the number of pups delivered after exposing LV-GFP and LV-EED injected females to a fertile male. LV-EED in, injections correctly placed into the ARC; LV-EED out, misplaced injections located outside the ARC. (F2,14=23.92, p<0.001, One Way ANOVA. n=5 rats/group). Columns are means and vertical bars are S.E.M. ***p<0.001 (ANOVA was followed by the SNK multiple comparison test for unequal replications to compare more than two groups).