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. 2013 Mar;131(3):483–489. doi: 10.1542/peds.2012-1380


Calculated Exposure Based on Urinary Total BPA Concentrations

Population Age Population Type Urinary Concentration, µg/L Calculated Exposure, μg/kg per Day Reference
Median 95th Percentile Max Median 95th Percentile Max
24–38 wk gestational age US premature infants 17.2 72.9 196 0.65 a 2.77 a 7.45 a Current study
25–34 wk gestational age US premature infants 28.6 NA 946 1.09 a NA 35.95 a Calafat et al 200916
1–5 mo old German healthy normal-term infants <0.45 10.13 17.35 <0.02 b 0.45 b 0.76 b Volkel et al 201121
6–11 y old US general population from NHANES 2007–200824 2.40 13.4 193 0.04 c 0.23 c 3.28 c CDC, 2011

US Environmental Protection Agency RfD = 50 μg/kg per day.25 CDC, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; NA, not available.


Calculation based on a urine daily volume of 38 mL/kg.21


Calculation based on a urine daily volume of 44 mL/kg.21


Calculation based on a urine daily volume of 17 mL/kg.22