Animal studies of RM Neisseria reveal colonization, transmission, persistence, and HGT. Timeline of the experiment is given in days. Asterisk above the day indicates the time animals were cultured for Neisseria. (A) Listed are the inoculated animals, the RM Neisseria strain inoculated into each animal on days 0 and 7, the antibiotic resistance phenotype of the inoculated strain (see abbreviations below), and the gdh allele of the inoculated strain in parenthesis. Orange bar over timeline shows duration of enrofloxacin (Baytril) treatment. The boxed text over the timeline indicate the days when the two monkeys in each cohort were housed together (paired housing) or individually (separate housing). (B) The three phases of the experiment are blocked in different colors. Phase I: reduction of preexisting Neisseria from animals with Baytril. Phase II: inoculation and monitoring of colonization of inoculated strains. Phase III: monitoring persistence, transmission, and HGT. Listed below each sampling day and next to each animal are the antibiotic resistance phenotypes and gdh alleles of the Neisseria strains recovered. N, sensitive to both antibiotics; nc, not cultured; nd, not determined; R, rifampicin resistant; RS, rifampicin and streptomycin resistant; S, streptomycin resistant. “-” Indicates that no Neisseria were recovered from swabs collected on that day. Swabs taken on days 0 and 7 were taken before inoculation procedure.