Fig. 5.
Implications of XPD in retinoic acid-dependent recruitment of TFIIH on the RARβ2 promoter. (A) Relative RARβ2 mRNA expression monitored by qPCR from XPD-transfected HD2 cells (XPD-wt, -C259Y, -R722W) treated with 1 µM t-RA. The effect of XPD mutations on nuclear hormone receptors mediated transactivation. The XPD-deficient cell line HD2 was transfected with an empty plasmid (blue diamond) or with a plasmid expressing XPD-wt (red square), XPD-C259Y (green triangle), or XPD-R722W (magenta cross) and was treated with t-RA. Transcription of the RARβ2 mRNA was quantified by qPCR. (B) HEK293 Flp-IN cells were stably transfected with 3Flag-XPD (XPD-wt, -C259Y, -R722W). Chromatin extracts were prepared and analyzed for Flag, XPD, and MAT1 by Western blot (Left). Whole-cell extracts were immunoprecipitated using the Flag tag and analyzed for XPD, p44, and MAT1 (Right). (C–H) ChIP/ReChIP monitoring the coimmunoprecipitation of the RARβ2 promoter using Flag or XPD antibodies (C–E) or a combination of antibodies against Flag/MAT1, Flag/p44, or Flag/pol II (F–H ) from 3Flag-XPD–transfected HEK293 stable cell lines (XPD-wt, XPD-C259Y, XPD-R722W) treated with t-RA (1 µM).