Figure 9.
Taxonomic guide tree, sequence logos for the PRE for five ascending clade levels from primates through mammals, and DNA alignment immediately surrounding the PRE. A. The guide tree used for multiple sequence alignment with WebPrank[44]. Guide tree was assembled based on recent phylogenetic analysis of higher organization of mammals [46-49]. B–F. Sequence logos were calculated by conventional methods [50], with sequences taxonomically weighted as described in the main text. Membership in successively nested clades for each species is indicated. The location of the PuF/SP1 site is indicated for all logos. Error bars represent estimated standard deviations of Ri. Logos were calculated for B. primates, C. Euarchontoglires, D. Boreoeutheria, E. Eutheria, and F. Mammals. Sequence specificity for the PRE and the PuF/SP1 site are preserved throughout placental mammals. G. The region of the alignment immediately around the PRE. The PRE is indicated with a solid box, and the PuF/SP1 site is indicated with dashed lines.