Figure 1 .
Histological sections through the intestines of Salmo trutta trutta L. (a) An H&E stained section through an uninfected intestine where intact villi can be seen, scale bar = 100 μm. (b) Haematoxylin and eosin stained section of a trout intestine with an attached Dentitruncus truttae in situ. Note the spines on the trunk of the acanthocephalan (arrow heads) and the destruction of the villi at the site of attachment whilst those further away (arrows) are still intact, scale bar = 200 μm (c-f) Immunohistochemistry. (c) Section through an uninfected intestine that has been stained with a PCNA-antibody. Positive cells (arrow heads) are localised deep within the intestinal folds. A small number of positive cells (arrows) are also visible within the sub-mucosal layer, scale bar = 50 μm. (d) Section through an infected brown trout intestine that has been stained with the PCNA-antibody. There is a lack of villi at the site of D. truttae attachment and numerous positive cells (arrows) within the sub-mucosal layer are evident. Note the residual pieces of damaged intestinal fold (arrow heads). Numerous immunoreactive epithelial cells (curved arrows), however, are visible deep within the intestinal folds further away from the site of parasite attachment, scale bar = 200 μm. (e) An acanthocephalan with a proboscis which has not penetrated the stratum granulosum (curved arrow). Numerous PCNA-positive epithelial cells (arrow heads) are evident deep within the villi. Note the immunoreactive cells (arrows) within the sub-mucosal layer, scale bar =50 μm. (f) A higher magnification of the lamina propria-stratum granulosum at a point in close proximity to the acanthocephalan proboscis where numerous PCNA-positive mast cells (arrows) and some positive fibroblasts (arrow heads) are evident, scale bar = 10 μm.