Figure 6.
(A) Alignment of the human sequence cloned in the HA22T/VGH small expression library with the pre-mmu-miR-1199 (nt 7–34; miRBase accession no. MI0006307). (B) mFOLD input sequence corresponding to the human sequence obtained by BLAT analysis of the mouse sequence coding the mmumiR-1199 against the human genome. The part underlined is homologous to the mouse pre-miR-1199 sequence. (C) Predicted precursor hairpin structure of the input sequence indicated in B. The RNA secondary structure prediction was carried out using mFOLD version 3.2. The putative miRNA sequences are underlined. (D) The putative human miR-1199 and miR-1199* sequences are indicated. (E) Alignment of the candidate microRNA-1199 sequences with mammalian genomes. The region is well conserved among the mammalian species indicated.