Figure 3. CSI1 associates with SmaCCs/MASCs. Epidermal cells in 3-d-old dark grown hypocotyls co-expressing GFP-CESA6 and RFP-CSI1 were incubated in Murashige and Skoog liquid solution containing diluted DMSO control (0.01%) (A) or 100 nM isoxaben for 2 h (B). (C) Kymographs display CESA6 and CSI1 movement in control cells. (D) Kymographs display CESA6 and CSI1 movement in isoxaben-treated cells. (E) Histogram of GFP-CESA6 and RFP-CSI1 in control cells. (F) Histogram of GFP-CESA6 and RFP-CSI1 in isoxaben-treated cells. Scale bar = 10 μm.