UV-induced killing and mutagenesis in a WT strain. (A) UV-induced killing. For each UV dose, survival was determined in three independent experiments; these values are plotted and overlap at each dose. The data are best fit (R2 = 0.9986) with a quadratic killing curve (Qk, solid line) with the coefficient of lethality k2 = 0.000389 (J/m2)−2. Approximation of the data with a linear function (Lk) is represented as dotted lines. Approximation with a linear-quadratic function is not represented due to negative k1 value. (B) Average values of UV-induced pure white ade2 adeX mutant frequencies (circles) and red-white sectored ade2 adeX mutant frequencies (squares) obtained in three independent experiments. (C) Yields of UV-induced pure white ade2 adeX mutants. For each UV dose, values obtained in three independent experiments (open circles) as well as average values (solid circles) are plotted. The data are best fit (R2 = 0.9604) with a linear-quadratic mutagenesis curve (LQm, solid line) with the coefficients of mutability m1 = 0.3503 (J/m2)−1 and m2 = 0.003015 (J/m2)−2. Approximation of the data with a linear mutagenesis function (Lm) is represented as a dashed line [R2 = 0.8907; m1 = 0.5095 (J/m2)−1]. Approximation with a quadratic function (Qm) is represented as a dotted line. (D) Frequencies of UV-induced pure white ade2 adeX mutants. For each UV dose, values obtained in three independent experiments (open circles) and average values (solid circles) are plotted. The data are best fit (R2 = 0.9966) with a linear-quadratic mutagenesis curve (LQm, solid line) with the coefficients of mutability m1 = 0.3503 (J/m2)−1 and m2 = 0.003015 (J/m2)−2. Approximation of the data with a linear mutagenesis function (Lm) is represented as a dashed line [R2 = 0.96; m1 = 0.5095 (J/m2)−1]. Approximation with a quadratic function (Qm) isrepresented as a dotted line. (E) Frequencies of UV-induced red-white sectored ade2 adeX mutants. For each UV dose, values obtained in three independent experiments (open squares) and average values (solid squares) are plotted. The data are well fit with a linear mutagenesis curve (R2 = 0.9828).