Figure 5.
Effects of Constitutive and Inducible RNA Silencing of WOX4.
(A) to (C) Transgenic shoot with pACT1-WOX4:RNAi.
(D) to (F) Transgenic shoot with pACT1-GVG>WOX4:RNAi (mock).
(G) to (I) Transgenic shoot with pACT1-GVG>WOX4:RNAi (25 µM DEX).
(J) to (L) Spatial expression pattern of OSH1 in the shoot apex of a transgenic shoot with pACT1-GVG>WOX4:RNAi. Mock (J); 25 µM DEX ([K] and [L]).
(M) Shoot phenotypes of a transgenic shoot with pACT1-GVG>WOX4:RNAi.
(N) and (O) Spatial expression pattern of OSH1 in the shoot apex of a transgenic shoot with pACT1-GVG>WOX4:RNAi. Mock (N); 25 µM DEX (O).
(P) and (Q) Spatial expression pattern of FON2 in the shoot apex of a transgenic shoot with pACT1-GVG>WOX4:RNAi. Mock (P); 25 µM DEX (Q).
(R) Spatial expression pattern of FON2 in the axillary bud of a transgenic shoot with pACT1-GVG>WOX4:RNAi (25 µM DEX).
The seedlings were grown for 7 d from germination in the presence or absence of DEX ([D] to [L] and [P] to [R]) or for 5 d from germination in MS medium and treated without or with DEX for 5 d ([M] to [O]). alp, abnormal leaf primordia; AM, axillary meristem; aSAM, abnormal SAM; mlp, malformed leaf primordia. Bars = 1 mm in (A), 1 cm in (D), (G), and (M), 50 µm in (B), (C), (E), (F), (H) to (L), and (N) to (R).